Hi, I'm Lei Tencie! pronounced like "latency".
I'm a time witch living with the demonette I summoned. She's not very useful, but at least she's cute.
Anyway! I stream art and games w/ cozy and chaotic vibes on Twitch! Sometimes that art even makes it to my Twitter. Links in the footer.see ya around, internet dudes


  • 🖤General

  • When you commission me, you are commissioning me for my style. Do not ask me to draw things in 'other' styles, sonic, disney, ect.

  • I reserve the right to decline any commission if I am uncomfortable for any reason.

  • 🖤Commission Procedure

  • Commissioning me will typically go like this.

  • Details are discussed. In this case, let's assume I agree to accept your commission! Yay!

  • A price estimate is worked out and a detailed quote is sent. You can decide it's too costly and still back out at this point.

  • Assuming you accepted the quote:

  • You send payment. (If you want extras or need extensive revisions after this point, you will pay that at the end of the commission.)

  • Work begins!

  • ⦁ If applicable, a WIP is sent and revised. Up to 2 revisions are free, further ones may incur fees.

  • Work is finished and sent for approval.

  • Any edits required are taken care of.

  • ⦁ After it's approved, it gets posted!

  • That's all, folks!

  • *🖤Payment and Refunds

  • ⦁ Payment through Paypal!

  • ⦁ Prices are calculated in USD.

  • Full refunds are not available after work has started. (if you back out at that point, I keep a percentage of the commission, based on how far along it was. If you had not paid the appropriate percentage yet, you will not be allowed to recommission me until that balance is absolved. If you're having financial problems talk to me--we can probably work out a payment plan!)

  • Payment plans are an option for works costing over 300$.(this includes YCH bids) If you are interested in paying this way, message me and we will figure out a schedule of payment.

  • 🖤Edits and Permissions

  • You may not hire a colorist or any other kind of artist to finish something I began without my explicitly stated, specific permission.

  • You may trace or 'heavily' reference my art, but you must give credit to the original piece. You must ask for permission beforehand, and in the case of a commissioned piece, you must also gain the permission of the person who bought the original.

  • ⦁ However, you are not permitted to trace or heavily reference my art for profit, only practice or something personal.

  • You may not add your own watermark to art I have created, unless I have explicitly stated that you may.

  • You may not use my artwork commercially without explicitly negotiated permission.

  • You can repost your commissioned art wherever you like, so long as proper credit given!

  • You may print it for personal use, just not for profit. (don't sell prints of the art I have made for you unless we have negotiated that first.)

  • 🖤Crediting and Posting Rights

  • I retain all copyrights to my artwork unless otherwise stated. You retain copyright to your character!

  • I retain the right to print any image I have created. You(the commissioner) will always receive the highest resolution version available, and are, as previously stated, welcome to print your commission for personal use.

  • Credit in the form of a direct link must be provided somewhere in your documentation unless you have purchased the discretion add-on.

  • You can choose to have your commission be private (not posted in any of my galleries) but there is a charge! Art is my advertisement! Please understand that <3.


full body view (min 2)150+
detail shot10+
specialized color palette10+

Cost Modifiers

shoulders-up only-50% base priceexcluding on emotes, which are already priced for simplified imagery
halfbody only-25% base pricealso cannot be applied to emotes!
no (or poor) visual references provided30+I can work without refs, but because I will need to check in with you significantly more, there will be an additional charge. This charge is based on the complexity of the character, as it effects how much I will need to check in with you to make sure it is correct.
add characters75% base costex: if you got a 100$ commission with a second character, it would be 100+75=175$
background20-60+Depends on the detail involved. A shadow on a white bg is free. In extremely detailed bgs, it may be calculated as a percent of the image cost. (ie +50%).
complexity5+Complexity is a blanket term for extravagant outfits, textures, props and elements. It can also apply to character complexity and thematic complexity.(this is a charge that can be applied more than once, but I will be specific in the quote as to what is what.) +5$ at cheapest, +50%base at most expensive.
sketch approvals5+If you want to have a sketch approval phase, opt in for this. (If the commission exceeds 250$, or you support me with any form of subscription or donation, an initial sketch approval is free.)
last minute additionsvariesIf you ask for things to be added in the confirmation phase that were not in the original request, there will be an extra charge. Cost is calculated based on the size of the changes required.
extra image editsvariesAfter the first and second rounds of revisions are completed, further edits will cost additional money. Cost calculated by how much editing is required.
discretion+50% of the total commission priceI won't post the commission on my account and you are not required to credit me. You still have permission to post it elsewhere.
commercial usage rights+15% of the total commission priceThis is included by default in the Live2d model and emote pricing. If you want to use other art that I have made for you in your streams or in other monetized ventures exclusive to the internet, please make sure to acquire these rights beforehand.
merchandise usage rightsdiscussed on a per project basisPurchase this if you want me to make something which is print resolution/300dpi at a common print size, or otherwise prepared for use in physical distribution (specs for dakimuras, pins, ect)

Live2d (model only, ready to rig)

typecostadditional info
chibi-50% basemodel is a chibi with simplified assets and design
chest up-50% basemodel includes just under boobas and up
half body-25% basemodel includes just under hips and up
emote asset10+ easmall, single layer assets generally around the face which need to be added to create an emotion toggle. Think, blush tones, blood splashes, heart pupils ect.
complex asset50+ eaany asset requiring multiple layers or the editing of many other layers. Toggleable hair types, hats, ears, glasses, ect.
very complex asset100+ eawant your fingers to be individually separated? want every ruffle on a different layer? want your clocks/machinery to be made so well that it can endure perspective shifts because every layer is adequately drawn? that's this tier
full outfit changesvariesdepends on the complexity of the outfit, generally 30-50% of base price
debut discretion50I won't stream working on your model or post about your model on any platform until you have debuted. Debuts must happen within 1 year of model completion for this to apply.